Hortobágy, Where the sky meets the land

Everyone already knows the vast Hortobágy for its beautiful landscapes, animals and culture. But nowadays there is a greater focus on other equally beautiful rural areas, such as Lake Balaton. Now let’s put Hortobágy back in the spotlight for a while to see how its values still shine as brightly as before.

Summer in Hungary: The beautiful Balaton, Europe’s largest lake

Lake Balaton is the largest (and arguably the most beautiful) lake in Hungary and Europe. There are many reasons why it is loved by locals and visitors alike. It offers excellent sporting opportunities, unrivalled wine, and a plethora of restaurants and beaches. Anyone visiting the area for leisure or incentive purposes is sure to find something to do.

Jet Travel’s FAM Trip showing MICE professionals Hungary’s treasures

Jet Travel has always been committed to provide its potential and existing partners the best opportunities. In the beginning of June we hosted 9 international MICE professionals in Hungary to show them the colourful programme opportunities, cultural treasures and natural beauty of the capital and the countryside.

Food, Drinks, Gastronomic Speciality

Jet Travel has always been an advocate for culture and gastronomy. The coffee culture of Europe has become increasingly more dominant in Hungary, but especially in Budapest and we are all for it!

Yearly cultural festivals of Hungary

Every year during late spring early summer the Millenaris Park is covered with delicous fragnances of Hungarian cuisine. The Gourmet Festival, is Hungary’s most prestigious and diverse gastro event. The event provides an opportunity for visitors to sample the tastes from the country’s best restaurants in one location.

Adventures in Hungary

There have always been plenty of opportunities for recreation in Hungary. Whether it’s exploring nature or just a pleasant adventure in the woods, there is an endless source of possibilities for unique adventures. Whether it’s an incentive trip, team building or just an individual getaway, we can come up with a great idea for every possibility.

Bathing Culture Thriving in Hungary since the Romans

When it comes to free time activities during your conference, workshop event, there is always a nice opportunity to offer some spa treatment for your guests. Not only Budapest, the capital, but Hungary is basically the land of spas. We show you some of our favourites!